Things about growing up ( a motivational note)
Frankly speaking, I'm childish compared to people my age. I have hard time managing my priorities, I couldn't act mature enough but instead I act like some idoit in front of people, and I like imagining fake scenarios inside my head. I disliked knowing the fact that I'm 17 because I don't feel like 17. Instead, I feel like 13. I'm not cut out to be 17 yet. I feel like mentally, I matured so late. The thing is, there's no turning back. Things feel worse as the situation forces you to grow up. Making friends is not as easy as it was. The feeling of self-doubt grew bigger and bigger. And some situations even reminded you of how alone you are amongst people. Although, I learned something from time to time that it's normal to feel this way when growing up. After all, nobody's perfect, only god is. So don't feel too guilty about not being good enough for your age. It doesn't really matter as long as you put your best effort on becoming the ...